Tigers Christian Club -- Lesson for Monday September 24, 2018
“Join the Club” is based on the lesson of the same title from Kids Honor Club from Biblical Parenting Intro: Offer perfume to the kids. Ask them what it smells like. “Do you like the smell? Why do people wear perfume? Because they want to feel special.” Gather for story: John 12:1-8, told in paraphrase (quotes are from the Kids Honor Club curriculum): “Once there was a woman named Mary who had some very expensive perfume. It was worth a lot of money. Maybe she even saved for a whole year to buy it. The story comes from the Bible in the gospel of John. “Jesus’ friends had a special dinner just to honor him. Can I have some volunteers to play Jesus, Mary, Martha, Lazarus? At this dinner, Martha, Mary, and Lazarus each honored Jesus in a different way. Lazarus sat and talked with Jesus, Martha served the meal, and Mary gave Jesus a special gift. Now where Jesus lived everyone walked around in sandals, and their feet got very dirty during the day. I bet feet got pretty smelly too. “Mary wanted to show Jesus how much she loved him so she put the special perfume right on his feet...Mary wanted Jesus to know how important he was to her. She was treating him as special. She was treating him with honor.” Today we are going to talk about honor. What does honor mean? “We say honor does three things. Honor means treating people as special, doing more than what’s expected, and having a good attitude.” “We’ll talk about the other parts of the honor definition in other times together but today we want to talk about ways to treat people as special.” Can you think of ways your Mom or Dad make you feel special? Are there things that you can do to make others feel special? (i.e. special outing, special treat or meal, special gift) “How do you think Jesus felt when Mary put the perfume on his feet?” Could you smell the perfume from up close? From way over there? “Imagine the perfume filling up the whole room. When we show honor it makes everyone feel good.” The Bible says: “Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves.” That’s a verse from Romans 12:10. Can you say that with me? Okay, we talked about showing honor by giving a special gift. Another way we can show honor is with our words. “Words can be honoring or dishonoring.” I want to play a game with you now. As I read each of the following sentences I want you to respond with a “Whoops!” if the statement is dishonoring and “Aaah” if the sentence is honoring. Ready? Your shirt looks ugly. I don’t want you to play with me. I like you. Would you like to share my markers? I want the first piece. You can’t have any. Thank you for sharing that with me. I’m the fastest runner in this room. You can’t do it right. I like that dress. No, I don’t want to share. You can play this at home too or say “Whoops” or “Aaah” when you hear someone in your family saying something that is dishonoring or honoring. Closing: Let’s review now what we’ve learned today. --What were the three parts to honor? “Honor means treating people as special, doing more than what’s expected, and having a good attitude.” --Who will you try to treat as special this week? What are some of the ways you can do that? (i.e. say thank you, give a hug, say “I love you”) Prayer: Dear God, thank you for the story of Mary and the perfume. Help us to show others honor by making them feel special. Amen. Fishing activity: Today we are going to fish for honor! When it’s your turn please take a fishing pole and try to fish for each of the three ways we can show honor: --treating people as special --doing more than what’s expected --having a good attitude Once you have your three fish you can color them and put them on a necklace if you like. Have fun!
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